Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Nordstrom of VRS

The following personal experience is what I share with our new trainees:

When I was young and naive teenager, I decided that I was too cool for interpreting. By the time I was 19, I had already done time interpreting at Riverside Community College and free-lance interpreting around Southern California. I was paying my way through college by working Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays so I could take all of my college classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But interpreting just wasn't what I wanted to do. So I quit interpreting to become a waitress at Nordstrom. Because at that time, waitressing seemed like a better option.

My 39 year-old self looks at my nineteen year old self and shakes her head in derision. Silly, silly girl. Or was she?

What I learned from serving at Nordstrom has carried with me in every aspect of my career as an interpreter. The customer is always right. The customer is #1. I work for customer satisfaction.

When I started working at Purple, it was like my two worlds collided. My love and respect for the customer met Purple's love for customer service and we became a happy couple.

Purple puts the customer first. Purple believes in free-flowing communication for all. They strive to deliver high quality services by understanding customer's needs. Purple goes out of their way to consistently exceed expectations. Our core value is providing excellent service to our calling customers. Purple wants to know what our customers think, feel, and need. They provide ways for the customer to give constant feedback, and Purple listens proactively. Just like Nordstrom.

We hire interpreters with the customer in mind. We want the people in our ear and the person in front of us to have an amazing experience every time they call Purple. And we go out of our way to make it happen.

Borrowing a phrase from Nordstrom to fit Purple: "VRS services change. Technology changes. But Purple's commitment to happy customers does not change."

We are the Nordstrom of the VRS industry. We are in the business of putting the customer first.

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